James Medhurst passed away in January at the age of 45, having contracted Covid-19.
James was a keen treasure hunter and had participated in four ATHs as a member of the Rookies / the Urban Marsupial Orchestra team. James was always a keen quizzer and enjoyed setting as well as solving many different types of puzzle. James studied history at Cambridge, and after graduation he worked as a journalist and in TV production, including a stint as a question setter on The Weakest Link. He then moved onto his main career as a solicitor. He was well-known in the legal world for putting his journalistic background to good use writing case law updates. James had also been chosen to set ATH2021. His ATH teammates, who had test solved some parts of his proposed hunt, collected together his work to publish it as a tribute to him. Everyone in the ATH community sends our heartfelt condolences to James's family and friends. If you would like to read more about James, we highly recommend this obituary by his friend Tamara Burnell which was published in the Guardian on 18 February 2021.