Answers: Astrology
Dave has this bizarre idea of introducing star charts at the beginning of projects to predict their outcome, so decided to see if anyone could make any sense of the detailed instructions. This section had no 'forward references' because it took Dave so long to understand and document the methodology that we gave up on adding any other material.
The famous person was Marilyn Monroe [3]. Some references give her time of birth as 9.30 not 9.09 (ours don't) but 20 minutes makes no difference to the star chart.
If you followed the instructions [6] you came out with a chart that should look like the following. This was borne out by Dave Kees team who visited an astrology shop in Covent Garden and got a computerised printout of the horoscope. Another team did what we did and bought a book that had Monroe's horoscope as its example.
If overlaid on the London map, Uxbridge appears between Pluto and the Moons North Node [6].
The relevant Ephemeris and Tables of Houses are available in any reputable public library. Ealings library evidently doesn't fall into this category, as they have the Ephemeris back to 1880 but, mysteriously, no copy of the one needed for 1926. Any team nicked it?
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