Armchair Treasure Hunt 2022
Title: | CATastrophe! The Story of the Godstow Witch |
Setter: | DaphneHQ |
Themes: | Witchcraft, Oxford, Borges' Library of Babel |

The 2022 hunt was written by DaphneHQ. It consisted of an online adventure game as well as a more traditional puzzle PDF (click image above to view in PDF format).
The teaser Teletext image was released on 27 November 2022, the poster was published on 3 December 2021, and the hunt was released on 15 December 2022. The closing date was 15 January 2023.
News Archive
These messages were posted in the news section of the website during the hunt.
This year's hunt consists of two parts - an adventure game and a more traditional puzzle.
You don't have to solve (or even play) the game to solve the main hunt - however doing so will reveal hints, and earn you points based upon how well you do and the thematic links you identify. There is also a separate prize for the team that is first to complete the game! Newcomers to Pablo's ATH may want to start with the game, as it is more user-friendly than the main puzzle.
We recommend playing the game on a desktop/laptop, although it will also work on mobile devices.
We do ask that the more technically minded hunters DO NOT attempt to brute force or reverse engineer the game, as this may overload our server or break the game for everyone else. Thank you for understanding. Enjoy!
To coincide with this, at the same time we will be releasing the full version of the game! Just refresh your browser to get the update (you can tell you are on the full version because it will mention the magazine being "out now").
- Which king danced in front of a bonfire of cats? (5,3)
- Which parasite do you probably share with cats? (10,6)
- Where did a Russian Queen source her cats from? (5)
ERRATUM: We have discovered a small error in some of the data in the most recent issue of Computering Magazine. The magazine PDF has been updated and you can find the correct version here. The intern responsible, Carol, has been re-assigned to the squirrel trapping team and has already been sent to the wilds of the Isle of Wight. Her mission is partly to capture more squirrels, but is mostly to find out what happened to the previous trapping expedition. The last pager message we received from them simply read “The horror! The horror!“. Very strange - the Isle of Wight isn’t that bad…
Before we go we would like to share with you a poem from our poetry intern, Adrian. I am sure you will all agree it is a lovely piece, it’s called “The Sourpuss and the Raconteur”. We hope you like it.
Additionally, our two history interns, Alex and Hannah, had a massive argument about which battle had the highest single-day loss of life - they were totally livid! We asked out in-house AI to help out (the Squirreltron 2001) and it suggested asking them which was the bloodiest battle before the year 0. They could both agree on that, and peace was restored! We have sent them out into the squirrel park to test their survival, evasion, resistance and escape skills which should give them the opportunity to bond even more. Albeit possibly not for very long…
We hope that this helps. Remember, you don't have to run faster than the squirrel (that would clearly be impossible) you simply have to run faster than the slowest member of your party. Or slowest two members of your party if there are two squirrels. Or slowest...oh, you'll figure it out. At DaphneHQ your safety is our priority. As one of our many mottos states "A dead customer is a lost revenue opportunity!"
After our intern Franklin's recent hospital stay, new recruits Antoni and Betty will be helping out with game reviews in the new year.
Our thanks to Edith's Ethereal Peripherals who recently sent us a new product for this season, “Glass Inside” 16K RAM Pack (£20.23) for a review. Our resident art intern lost the instruction book, but luckily we worked out how to use it from the catalogue description, while they were undergoing corrective treatment.
ERRATUM: We would also like to apologise for the various stray lower case letters, typos and white text on white background in the PDF. Almost all of these are totally accidental. Henry, our Typesetting Intern, has since been fired. In a kiln.
"They shall not grow old, as we who are left grow old" [2].
In other news, it appears that a website that DaphneHQ hosts as part of its wildly generous social responsibility programme [3] has been hacked! Clement, our Sys Admin Intern, ran out of the server room shouting something about "a ghost in the machine". Very strange. Anyway, a quantity of new text has appeared on The Godstow Witch website. It looks like a load of stuff and nonsense to us!
Several players of our award-winning [4] game CATastrophe! have been struggling variously with herbs and woods. Hopefully the images below will help you a little.
[2] Rigorous data analysis suggests that actually only Senior Executives at DaphneHQ survive long enough to "grow old".
[3] Our lawyers have instructed us to note that technically this programme is a community pay-back scheme that was part of the settlement in a class-action lawsuit relating to the wrongful deaths of a number, okay, lots, of interns.
[4] Best Game by DaphneHQ (not involving squirrels) 1987!