Paul Coombs, known to many Armchair Treasure Hunters as Pablo, sadly passed away in the early hours of Friday, 19th October 2007 after a long battle with cancer.
Pablo was very much the architect of the Logica Armchair Treasure Hunt, conceiving the original idea in 1985, setting the first four Hunts (nine in total), as well as being the driving force behind a Logica institution that is still extremely popular. Pablo also set up this website, and as well as being a dab hand at Pub Quiz-meistery, could also boast two best-selling books to his name (well, best-selling as far as IT text books go).
These few pages attempt to show the gratitude of all Logica Armchair Treasure Hunters for so many years of addictive and challenging Hunts, and for the ATH legacy he has left us with. To that end, a Logica Armchair Treasure Hunt Trophy in Pablo's memory was also awarded for the first time after his last hunt in 2007. He is greatly missed.
In 2014, when the sun set on Logica, this independent web site was created to continue the Logica Armchair Treasure Hunt tradition and it was named in his memory.