Pablo: The Picture Round
Many thanks to Brian Jackson for supplying these images of Pablo.
Christmas Scene (1985)

Pablo surveys the scene of the treasure site for the very first Logica Armchair Treasure Hunt, on Christmas Common near Watlington in Oxfordshire.
Advanced Taste (1987)

Brian recalls: "Bad Taste Day was a morale raiser on the Advance project one Friday in Logica's 23 Newman Street office. The Advance project team circa 1987-88 included myself and Dave Harding, as well as Pablo who donned his colourful paper jacket for the occasion."
Music Hall Singer (1988)

Brian recalls: "This was a post-delivery Advance project bash at The Music Hall, a pub near King's Cross which encouraged audience participation. Here, Pablo is singing his part in the duet: "You can touch my cherries, but you mustn't touch my plums" - quite a memorable song given his duet partner."
Man of Mystery (1989)

Brian recalls: "Logica Sports & Social Club used to run a legendary Mystery Trip. Here's Pablo in relaxed mood, sitting in the departure lounge at Dublin Airport. It was 1989 I think?"
Astro Logical (1991)

Brian recalls: "I went out to New York for a week in 1991 to visit Pablo when he was working there. Astro was a friend of Adrian Brennan's that we both knew, hence the shot outside the diner, which was just around the corner from Pablo's 57th Street apartment."
Bell Tower (1996)

Brian recalls: "Pablo came out to stay with me when I was working in Prague in 1996 - my chance to reciprocate. I think it was his first visit there, in this shot doing his Martin Bell impression at the top of one of the towers at the end of the Charles Bridge."