St. Joseph's Hospice
St. Joseph's Hospice exists to help people live life to the full, to the very last. It has been enhancing lives, easing pain and bringing comfort and laughter for over a hundred years to those suffering from life limiting illnesses. St Joseph's broad range of services enriches the lives of patients and their families from the diverse communities of east and north-east London. St Joseph's is available to all those who can benefit from it; we work to meet all the needs of our patients, including those which reflect their ethnic, cultural or religious heritage. All services are provided free.
Charity Registration No: 231323
Website: http://www.stjh.org.uk/
St. Joseph's Hospice
Pablo had finished preparing his ninth Logica Armchair Treasure Hunt before finally losing a long battle against cancer in October 2007. Oragnised as ever, he had also passed it on so that it could be run as usual that Christmas.
Some of Pablo's friends were considering ways in which they could commemorate the often infuriating pleasures that Pablo had provided for us at this time of year in the form of the Armchair Treasure. A number of regular of ATH teams also inquired whether there was any charity associated with Pablo that they might donate any prizes that might come their way as a result of the 2007 ATH. After consultation with Pablo's parents, it was suggested that making charitable donations to St. Joseph's Hospice in Hackney, East London, would be an appropriate gesture.
The Hospice had cared for and supported Pablo in the latter stages of his illness, and his parents spoke very highly of it: "When he had to give in at last, he went into St. Joseph's Hospice. He was happy there and we cannot speak too highly of the loving care and expert attention with which he was nursed. If it is possible to donate any Treasure Hunt prize money to a charity, I feel sure that Paul would be pleased if it could go to St. Joseph's Hospice."
Contributions from Armchair Treasure Hunters and other friends raised over £1,100 for St. Joseph's. You can still read some of the messages on the JustGiving website page, of which a PDF Screenshot has also been kept for posterity.